About Us
We are Rick and Denise Mathis and we were married, Sunday, November 28, 1976 in Miami, FL.
We have four adult children, one son in law, one daughter in law and five grandchildren.
God has given us a gift and a passion for the health and welfare of the total family. We are Registered /Certified Premarital Counseling Source Providers and Marriage Mentors and official notaries in the State of Florida. We’ve been involved in the ministry of Family Life for over 30 years where we served as leaders in various positions in the church. Praise God, we are going into our 43rd year of marriage, which gives us several years of knowledge and experience in teaching couples and families to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts and manage family finances. We’ve lived in Florida our entire lives, enjoying many strong relationships with family and friends and conducting workshops, retreats and seminars at various churches in the area, for families, singles, and teens. We also have an intensive Intimacy Workshop for married couples and we stress the importance of daily devotion and couples praying for and with each other.
We are repeat presenters at the Annual Pure Reality Retreat held annually for teens, young adults and married couples. We also have been featured guest on WSRF 1580 AM, a radio talk show. The highlight of the radio appearance was when we took live calls and text messages that came in during the show. As part of the radio appearance we discussed the unique premarital courses we've designed such as the “Round Table” session for wives and the “Tailgate” session for husbands. This four-part series prepares couples for marriage by focusing on specific needs of each spouse. As a result of this ministry, we’ve performed marriage ceremonies for a total of eleven couples. We’ve implemented more interactive sessions to our counseling program that has increased the value of our services.
During our tenure of servicing clients in the South Florida area, our services also includes clients from San Antonio, Texas, Houston, Texas and Atlanta, GA, and our services has reached an international level, servicing couples in the Virgin Islands, Guyana, Panama, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Jamaica and Haiti.
As we’re entering our 42nd year of marriage in November to this year, we’ve learned to work closer as a team and that has been one of our strengths and thus the name, T.E.A.M. Mathis - The Education of A Marriage has been chosen as our Brand name. One of our goals is to help couples understand that there is true happiness in marriage by following the pattern God has given us. We ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers as we continue to faithfully fulfill the ministry that we have been assigned to do.
November of 2017 we relocated to the Huntsville, Alabama area and experiencing our first real winter and that is a story you will have to read in our book, "Our Journey to Here" and by God's grace and lots of hours being dedicated to writing the book, we will go to press by January 2018.
Our hobbies are spending time with each other, our family, traveling, dining out, walking and swimming.
Our 40th Wedding Anniversary Celebration
We thought at first, we had to make our 40th really big!!! really Large!!! but as the days got closer to November 28th, 2016, our minds changed and we wanted something smaller, something more intimate and we both agreed we wanted to celebrate with our adult children. We also wanted to experience the change of seasons, all the colors of fall. That was one of the reasons we got married in November. So we packed our clothes and headed to Atlanta and enjoyed fellowship with our children, our grandchildren, god-sister and her family. Got a chance to visit with grandma, ate at our favorite restaurant, Community BBQ, experienced for the first time "Sweet Hut" bakery, the kids gave us an anniversary gift of two nights in the Renaissance Waverly Atlanta Hotel with all the perks of breakfast and after hours snacks and desserts.
This was the first time we had all our children in one place at the same time. We laughed, talked, went on theme parks together and so much more. We cannot put into words what our hearts experienced during this 40th year together with our children in the cold weather and watching all the colors of fall. Thank you God for knowing and providing the best anniversary gift EVER!!!
This year we agreed not to purchase anniversary cards, but to do something different. We each chose a song that expressed our feelings and love for each other and of course there was dancing.
Enjoy some of the memories we that mean so much to us.